26 May 2010

Garden update

Went out and looked into the garden this morning and saw that the corn has grown about another inch, so they are coming in nicely. I will try and update the garden everyday until the first frost. This way you all will know what I am up to. Me and the wife are doing fine the animals are good still no kids (thank god). I can see why some of the animals eat their young. As you all should know I work at a school that the kids have no respect for anything or anyone. I really injoy getting out and playing in the garden and it helps to calm and relax me after a hard long day at work. Work seems to be going good the children get out on the 9th of June so it will be running around trying to get things done that need to be done by the begining of the next school year. I hear that the princapal wants us to paint the entire school before the beginning of the new school year classrooms included.

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