30 December 2023

Years End

 Well another year is coming to a close and I have nothing really done about much, there are some projects that I have finished over the course of this year. I have had a lot of problems with cancer. Been living with my cats and dog, and partner. Things have been better for me then in the past. I have figured out that I don't like to go very many places. I am a home body and I like it that way. I still do things I just do very little. New problems have arisen that my doctors assure me aren't really that bad, we just need to keep an eye on them to prevent them from becoming a real problem. So, I have more checkups. I am having a difficult time working my project now, been going on for about two weeks my thumb where it meets the wrist seems to be inflamed. Everyone says that I should see a doctor, but it seems to me that they really don't want to really see what the matter is. I had a ct-scan I got at the beginning of the month it said that my lungs are good, but there is a question on my kidneys. they will not see me until next year to redo a ct-scan. Also, at the beginning of the month my jaw at my ear line started to hurt, but it stopped hurting as much, when my thumb started to hurt. I'm hoping for a better year next year. 

Happy new year yuns may it be full of blessings and good tidings, remember to have fun because life is to short. 


27 November 2023

More cancer


This is what the doctor did to me to remove some cancer from my head. This was taken in August; I'm just now getting it on here for selfish reasons. It's all healed up and there is a good scar. I tried to convince the doctor to give me a scar like Harry Potter's, but he said he couldn't if he could get it as small as he could.

01 March 2023

I want to know how many people out there think that this new thing that the government is thinking about schools is doing to our kids. Is it to make the people stupid so they won't know that what they are doing is to keep us stupid. You know that their kids are in private school and are learning the stuff that they don't want the poor kids to learn. They must think that "We the People" are to stupid to realize that we don't know what is right for us. They are already starting to take our freedoms away it starts small, then gets more and more. They say that it is for the best of use. Like this thing about its safer for us to wear seat belts and they passed a law that makes us wear them. Why are we letting them say that only people with mental problems can't have guns. Especially when its the bad people that are doing the killing. Where are the guns that the people that don't care about human life are coming from. I will tell you it comes from those people that don't secure their guns to keep the evil people from getting so they say that they are law abiding people and its okay to just leave them lying around. I think that we should put those that have their guns stolen because they don't secure them should be treated just like the criminal that killed someone with it. They have already said if you sell something to someone that kills them then you kill them. So why can't do that to those that don't care who gets their gun.

18 February 2023

What is the thinking

 So I looked up the word "Woke" and the only agenda is that all people should be free. The republican party seems to think that it means no one should be free. It started in the 1960's for the black people to have the same freedoms as the white people. So does that mean that the republicans does not see free people, and that the only free people should be the "white business MAN". It seems to me that they think that even the white woman is a servant to their white husbands. The other thing is this thing that a woman is not smart enough to decide what is right for her body and once again they seem to think that only the white business MAN should decide what should happen in America. They are afraid to have someone other than a rich white business MAN in power.