27 January 2024

Social Media

 Now the government is telling us that we have no right to let our 16 years and younger children on social media even if it's our child and we say it is alright. Is it because they don't want our children to learn what goes on around the world and at home is wrong or right. I know they say it's to keep them from getting hurt, but that's part of growing up. How will they know if something is wrong or right that the government is doing. Not the way the government is thinking, they want the children to learn what they want them to know. Isn't that what the Russians started to do with their people and look at them now. They think their leaders are right and that the rest of the world is just like Hitler and trying to make a master race. Now our government is starting to do that, what's next the secret police. OH, wait Trump already has them. The people that will stop the government from doing its job are what a Russian government does. Start learning people before our rights have been taken. What's next killing off of the opposition to their power. Thats what Putin does. 

Remember that it is my God given right to decide what I should do with my own life. 

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